Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which young people acquire the competencies (knowledge, attitudes and skills) that they need to thrive in school and beyond.  SEL is one of three primary concepts in DYCD’s Promote the Positive framework which provides a common lens and language for youth development staff.

Community Based Organizations (CBOs) can be especially helpful to families in understanding and shaping SEL in their children’s lives.  Families can guide and support their young people’s SEL competencies by:

  • Providing opportunities for their children and youth to practice and apply the SEL skills they have been taught;
  • Looking to CBOs and schools as partners in promoting SEL;
  • Allowing choices and helping youth identify the pros and cons of different solutions;
  • Encouraging participation in community service projects.

DYCD references CASEL (Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning) in its definition of Social Emotional Learning captured below.  For additional information on the Promote the Positive Framework, please go to

Download SEL Framework

CASEL SEL for Parents

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