Family Engagement Training Opportunities

The National Center for Community Schools (NCCS) is DYCD’s Family Engagement technical assistance provider and offers a menu of professional development sessions to all DYCD programs.  Most  workshops take place at NCCS’ office located at 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1220, New York,10015.  NCCS also conducts some workshops online through webinars and video-conferences.  Workshop descriptions and registration can be found on DYCD’s Eventbrite Page.

Below are video snapshots from 3 popular workshops around DYCD’s Family Engagement Framework – Circles of Support.




 Workshop titles include:

  • Introduction to Circles of Support: Family Engagement Framework
  • Circles of Support: Creating a Family Welcoming Environment
  • Circles of Support: The Power of Relationships
  • Engaging Immigrant Families
  • Connecting Runaway, Homeless and Vulnerable Youth with their Circles of Support
  • Engaging Fathers
  • Culturally Responsive Family Engagement Practice

NCCS also facilitates a Circles of Support Family Engagement Practitioner Network that allows peer practitioners to engage in assessing their programmatic needs, participate in deep discussion around case studies in their  practice, share innovative strategies and resources; identify interventions and develop solutions and best practices.

If you are interested in participating in NCCS’ family engagement professional development workshops or series,  visit DYCD’s Eventbrite page or contact the National Center for Community Schools at (646) 867-6668 or