You don’t have to deliver every workshop for families at your site. There are many New York City organizations that offer free to low-cost workshops for families. Use the resource list below to let families know about learning opportunities available to them and the information and skills they need to build their own capacity to support their child’s growth and development.

NYC Parent Academy

This Collaborative citywide program between the NYC Department of Education and Long Island University is dedicated to creating and enhancing partnerships within school communities by strengthening parent involvement to support student achievement. The Parent Academy is designed to offer school communities the training and resources needed to best support their families and workshops to help parents become informed and involved partners in the educational lives of their children. Through free community-based workshops, parents can find out what their children are learning in school and how they can support their children’s learning at home. Sample topics include:

Advocates for Children

This organization conducts hundreds of free trainings and workshops year-round on a wide variety of education topics.  The trainings and workshops provide parents and professionals with the most up-to-date information so that they are equipped to advocate on behalf of their children. Topics Include

New York Immigration Coalition

The Immigrant Concerns Training Institute (ICTI) offers a full calendar of trainings on topics critical to organizations, social service providers, government employees, and attorneys serving immigrant communities. It also provides free informational talks to the staffs of community-based organizations and the members of the communities that they serve to help them better understand immigration law.

Planned Parenthood of New York City

The Adult Role Models workshop series is fun, interactive, and free of charge. Four workshops are offered:

Dial a Teacher

Provides free online help from a NYC school teacher to students and parents. Dial-A-Teacher staff attend PTA meetings, school fairs and other events to make presentations about their services.

Financially Clean

Helps to make financial literacy accessible and affordable for students, parents and emerging athletes so that they can all learn to be more confident managing their money to create generational wealth and accomplish their dreams.

Qualitas of Life Foundation

Provides basic financial education to Hispanic individuals and their families in New York., Its workshops include: “Family Communication and Family Finances”, “Budgeting for Individuals and Families”, “Budgeting for Entrepreneurs”,  ”U.S. Banking System,” “Financial Scams,” “Credit, Insurance and investments.” Trust-building, self-empowerment, and community-building elements have been strategically embedded into the curriculum.

The Family Center

Walk-in borough-based centers for victims of domestic violence, elder abuse, and sex trafficking. Services are free and available to all victims, including undocumented immigrants. Staff can speak more than 30 languages and interpretation services are also available in many more languages. You can arrange for the Family Center staff to come to your site to talk to the community about the services they provide.

Sanctuary for Families

Works to end gender violence (domestic violence and sex trafficking) through three key strategies: direct services, outreach and training and systems-change advocacy.

The organization provides outreach, education and trainings to community members and groups including schools, service providers, law enforcement, courts and judges, faith communities, cultural groups, and many more. It is also available to set up a table at your health or volunteer fair and to speak, on your panel, in your classroom or office, or at your meeting or conference. Most outreach is available in English or Spanish, as well as in additional languages depending on availability of staff.

Resources for Children with Special Needs

Offers a selection of workshops for both families of and professionals working with children with special needs in three categories-


 Educating Your Child with a Disability

Navigating the Years from 0-26

Parenting Solutions

Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled

Staff travels throughout Brooklyn to provide free workshops to parents, grandparents and caregivers of children with disabilities. Workshops are also conducted for students with disabilities. Sample topics include:

Resources for Older Adults

Participation Tools & Resources