Building Our Approach

A welcoming environment is one of the strongest forms of communication, as it engages participants and their families in each of the senses. Take a moment to reflect on how your program is engaging and supporting families. Using the guiding questions to develop an action plan for how to create a welcoming environment for all families, consider what you need to work on, where you would like to begin, what do you need to stop doing and what is working that you would like to continue doing.

    What Types Of Communication Strategies And Opportunities Are In Place To Encourage Families To Be Engaged As Partners?

    WORK ON:




    How Is Engagement Reflected In The Kinds Of Relationships You Seek To Nurture With Families In Your Program?

    WORK ON:




    How Is Family Engagement Reflected In The Kind Of Opportunities You Create For Families To Be Engaged As Partners?

    WORK ON:




    Take Strategic Action

    What will be the first thing you will incorporate that will engage more families in your program?

    What evidence will you expect to see as a sign that you are making progress in improving/strengthening your relationships with families?

    Communication Tools & Resources