Agenda for Children: Family Engagement Project, Family-Engagement-Project

Agenda for Children:  Family Engagement Project, Strengthening Families Program Self-Assessment, Program-SelfAssessment

Bayshore Homecare, 10 benefits connecting youth and seniors

Best Start Resource Centre, Step By Step: Engaging Fathers in Programs for Families, Canada: Toronto, Ontario, 2012.

BOSTnet, (Build the Out-of-School Network), Family Engagement Toolkit, Family Engagement Strategy Checklist.

Get checklist

Castle Pines Connection, Go to link

Children’s Aid Society, Dynamics of Supervision Managers Institute

Department for Education and Skills, Engaging Fathers:  Involving Parents, Raising Achievement.

Engaging Fathers.pdf

Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), Partnering with Families to Improve Outcomes.  New York:  DYCD Focus, 2016.

Duke Law, Event Planning Guide, Plan Guide

Fairfax Virginia School and Partnerships for Kentucky Schools, Strategic Plan Goal 2 Caring Culture,

Families Leadership Project,

Finney Boylan, Jennifer, Co-chair of GLAAD and author of She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders.

Harvard Family Research Project, October 2006.

Henderson, Anne T., Karen L. Mapp Vivian R. Johnson, and Don Davies, Beyond the Bake Sale:  The

Essential Guide for Family School Partnerships, New York: The New Press, 2007.

Henderson, Anne T., Karen L. Mapp, the National Standards and Quality Indicators: Transition Toolkit for Systems Improvement, National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition


Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Growing Up LGBTQ in America: Youth Survey Report and Key Findings.

National Fatherhood Initiative

NCOD Youth Report

Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Welcoming Schools Starter Kit, 2012.

Welcoming Schools Starter Kit

Ideas for Building Family Assets

Krivickas K.M., D. Lofquist, UCLA Williams Institute Census and Demographics LGBT Studies, 2011.

Georgia Department of Education, Office of School Improvement

 Michigan Department of Education – Program Advisory Committee Toolkit, 2015.

Program Advisory Committee Tool Kit September 2015

National Fatherhood Initiative, Fatherhood 24/7 Dad Facilitator’s Manual – New York City Edition

Parent Anonymous Inc., National Parent Leadership Month Tool Kit, 2003.


Parents Anonymous, Strengthening-Families,

Search Institute, Bringing Developmental Relationships Home: Tips and Relationship Builders for Families, 2015. National Fatherhood Initiative

Shields, M. & Behrman, R., Children of Immigrant Families:  Analysis and Recommendations, 2004.

Somos Familia (

Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth Resource Guide – A Resource Guide for Supporting LGBTQ+Youth
in Human and Social Services.

Teach Them, Emotional Banking Game, Emotional-Banking

Teaching Strategies Y Chart.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Engaging Parents, Developing Leaders:  A Self-Assessment and Planning Tool for Nonprofits and Schools, August 2016.

Youth Development Institute (YDI), Changing Scenes:  A Curriculum, of the Team Outreach Program, for Department of Education Parent Coordinator Resource Guide.    

Wiki, How to Play Human Bingo,

Tschannen-Moran, M., and W. K. Hoy. (2000) “A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Nature, Meaning, and Measurement of Trust,” Review of Educational Research 71:547–593.

Krownapple, J. (2017) Guiding teams to excellence with equity: culturally proficient facilitation, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Resources for Older Adults

Keeping seniors engaged with their families and communities is critical. NYC has a network of CBOs providing Seniors who are the least bit intimidated by technology can get their bearings at OATS (Older Adults Technology Services) Senior Planet.  It is a site where seniors can learn how to use technology to their benefit and systems change.  OATS recently joined forces with AARP.  View their website at

Of course, one other major resource for Seniors is the Department for the Aging (DFTA) at hhps://

Heartwarming new Doritos ad is about a dad accepting his gay son / LGBTQ Nation

Can talk with families about where to go for help in affirming LGBTQ child’s gender and gender identity  (in Spanish and English)
You Tube Videos:  

International Institute for Social Change IISC

Equity in the Center

The Aspen Institute

P&G The Look