Communication Mode Checklist

Use the list below to check off the modes of communication you use to engage families of participants in your program.  Jot down your experiences with the method, especially whether it worked well for you.


    Description/Best Uses

    Use | Experience

    App (e.g., Google Classroom, WhatsApp)

    An online application used to share information when in- person meetings are not possible.


    Backpack Notice

    Hard copy of information (announcements, applications, flyers) sent home, especially for young students. Usually requires follow-up.



    An online discussion or informational site consisting of posts. Can include stories and photos and often invites responses.


    Email (Personal)

    Information sent to an electronic email address. Subject should be catchy and positive to attract the reader.


    Email (Group)

    Information sent electronically to inform a group of an event or other program update.


    Family Event

    Can be used as an opportunity to build relationships among staff, families, and participants. Best to always share some current information about the program.


    Flyer(Don't forget to have a photo release to use photos of program participants)

    Announcement used to publicize or market a program or event. Limit text to the essential and proofread. Use graphics, colors, photos to draw the viewer in. Don't forget to include the DYCD logo and yours!


    Meeting (Individual)

    Best used to share information about the participant, especially good news. Also a good time to explore what supports a family may need.



    Description/Best Uses

    Use | Experience

    Meeting (Group)

    Best used to share and collect general information about the program, participants, needs, and community. Also a great opportunity to share an activity that can be done at home.



    Regular (monthly or quarterly) celebrations of information, events, and activities about the participants, program, and staff. Can be hard copy or electronic or both.


    Participant Award Ceremony/ Performance

    Key time to inform families about the program and opportunities to contribute to its success.


    Phone Call (Individual)

    All-important connection between program staff and participant's family. Best used when positive and upbeat about program participant or to elicit family's participation. Should be assigned as intentional staff role and connected to a phone log.


    Phone Calls (Robo-calls)

    Used to provide information or as a reminder of events, due dates for forms, program changes, etc.


    Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, etc.)

    Great for announcing and showing events and activities. Best received when positive and upbeat.



    Used to collect information from families on interests, program performance, satisfaction, and new ideas.


    Text Message Don't forget to get permission from your families to send them text messages

    Clear and concise communication to convey real-time information or direct reader to an action or link.



    Can be a great source of information for families if attention is paid to making it easy to navigate. Use photos; newsletters;' event calendars;' links to other information or resources;' art from staff, participants, and families.


    Family Portal

    Participants can log in for program registration, to view their particular program information, contact people, etc.


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    Communication Tools & Resources